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underground sewers in the city. He was sent to the Bengal Council by the District Boards of the Presidency Division in 1906. When the anarchical movement in Bengal assumed serious dimensions, Babu Jogendra Chandra Ghose actively supported the Government, and induced the members of Local Boards, District Boards and Municipalities in his divi- sion, to the number of about five hundred, to sign a declara- tion of loyalty and an undertaking to support the Govern- ment ; this declaration, read by him in the Council, elicited from the Lieutenant-Governor expressions of satisfaction and confidence, and had a very marked effect throughout the pro- vince. The example thus set was followed in every division of Bengal and Behar. Babu Jogendra Chandra's services to Government and the public were recognized by the bestowal of his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. Publications: "Principles of Hindu Law", "The Hindu Law of Impartible Property and Endowmenots", etc., Editor of the English edition of the works of Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Address: 25, Hurrish Chandra Mukharji's Street, Bhowanipur, Callcutta.

HiRA LL BAHADURI, Rai Bahadur, retired Accountant, Accountant General's Office, Bengal, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his faithful service.

L.ACHMAN DAJI Jadu, Rai Bahadur, who formerly held the title of Rai Saheb, is a Sub-Assistant Superintendent in the Survey of India, and received the Higher title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar.

LAHIRI, Radhika Mohan, b. a., Rai Bahadur, Postal Department, was born in 1863, and educated at Queen's College, Benares, and the Metropolitan Institution, Calcutta. He belongs to a good family of Faridpur District, in Bengal, and his ancestors were indigo planters of considerable local