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Mokarram Ali. He is descended from a good family of Iraqi Mussalmans, who trace their descent from Abu Bakar Siddiq, the first Kaliph. His ancestors migrated to India, and several of them obtained high office under the Mohammadan rulers. In the reign of Akhbar. Shaikh Mohammad Abdul Ghafur Khan, one of the Maulvi's ancestors, was sent on a mission to Nepal ; he was noted for his statesmanship and administra- tive abilities. The descendants of this minister settled in the district now known as Gorakhpur, and gave to their new domicile the name of Lar, derived from their ancestral pro- vince of Laristan in Persia. Maulvi Abdul Aziz commenced the practice of his profession in 1885. His abilities soon brought him to the front of the local Bar. He has found time to devote to many movements of public utility and bene- ficence, in all of which he has taken a keen and active interest. The successful working of the Kasia Central Co- operative Bank, which was started in 1902, is chiefly due to his untiring efforts as Managing Director, and he received a sanad for these services in 19 10. His services were also freely placed at the disposal of the public during the famine in 1908, and he exerted himself to great purpose in connec- tion with the King Edward Memorial Fund. His services to Government and the public were further recognized on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, when he received his title, and a certificate in recognition of his excellent work in connection with the Kasia Bank. Publication : "Commen- tary on the Agra Tenancy Act ", in Urdu. Address: Kasia, Gorakhpur, U. P.

Amir Husain, Khan Saheb, Station Master, Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his excellent service. Address: Benares Cantonment

Ahmad Said Khan, Khan Saheb, received hrs title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his public services. Address : Delhi.