146 WHO'S WHO IN INDIA DEY, CHUNI Lal, Rai Saheb, Registrar in the Survey of India Offices, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his public services. Address: Calcutta. MAYADAS Puri, Rai Saheb,- Extra-Assistant Superin- tendent, Survey of India, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his public services. CHATARJI, PROSANNO Kumar, Rai Saheb, Stationmaster, East Indian Railway, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his services to the public. Address: Buxar, Bengal. MUKHARJI, NiBARAN CHANDRA, Rai Saheb, Assistant Traffic Superintendent, Bengal-Nagpur Railway, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in re- cognition of his services to the public. Ramanik Singh, Baba, b. a., Rai Saheb, Executive En- gineer, Eastern Bengal State Railway, was born on 1 8th March, 1880, and educated at the C. M. S. School, Peshawar, the High School, Kohat, the Government College, Lahore, and the Royal Indian Engineeing College, Cooper's Hill, England. He is a member of a Sikh family of Kapurthala, and belongs to the priestly caste called Babas. His grand- father was given a large grant of land by the Government. His brother is the manager of a Lahore Bank. After passing his B. A. Examination at Lahore, Baba Ramanik Singh pro- ceeded to Cooper's Hill, where he successfully passed the required examinations, after which he was appointed an As- sistant Engineer in the Railway Department. He returned to India in 1903, and was successively employed on the Agra- Delhi Chord Line, the Oudh and Rohilkhand, the Burma ami the North-Western Railways. He was promoted to the grade
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