152 WHO'S WHO IN INDIA Manohar Singh, Rai Saheb, Forest Ranger, United Provinces, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his services to the public. LACHMAN Das, Rai Saheb, Head Assistant to the Inspector-General of Prisons, United Provinces, was born on 5th Sepember, 1852, and educated at Bareilly College. He belongs to a well known Saraswat Brahmin family of the Punjab, some of whose members have been distinguished in former generations in the Army. His grandfather migrated to Bareilly. His elder brother, Pundit Basant Ram Vaidya, is a successful Ayurvedic Medical Practitioner and an Astronomer of repute. Pundit Lachman Das entered the Jail Department 36 years ago, and was awarded a certificate by the Lieutenant- Governor of the United Provinces in 1910 for his long and efficient service. His expertness in the art of swimming has enabled the Rai Saheb to save no less than six persons from drowning, and he has on more than one occasion been approached with a view of his services in this respect being recognized by the Royal Humane Society ; this honour he has persistently declined. The Rai Saheb possesses house pro- perty in Bareilly and Lucknow. His title was conferred on Durbar Day, 191 1, in recognition of his long and faithful services to Government in the Jail Department. Address: Lucknow. Sham Sunder Lal, Rai Saheb, Head Assistant in the office of the Sanitary Commissioner, United Provinces, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his excellent service. CHATARJI, AGHORNATH, Rai Saheb, Headmaster of the Jubilee High School, Gorakhpur, was born in November, 1869, and educated at Canning College, Lucknow. He belongs to a good family of Santipur, Bengal; his father was employed for some years in Bhavnagar. As Heac^naster of the Queen's
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