SUPPLEMENT 157 GlRDHARi Ram, Rai Saheb, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his public services. Address: Kallur, Punjab. Raja Singh, Rai Saheb, Risaldar, Supply and Transport Reserve, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coro- nation Durbar, in recognition of his excellent service. Address: Lahore. BhaTTACHARJI, Debendro Nath, Rai Saheb, Superin- tendent, Military Accounts Department, was born in 1854, and educated in the General Assembly's Institution, Calcutta. He belongs to a Brahmin family of Bengal, and has seen over forty years' faithful Government service. He has established a Vernacular School at the village of Barisu, near Calcutta, and owns a small amount of landed property. His title was conferred on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his long and faithful service. Address: Rawal- pindi. Bhaitacharji, G. C, Rai Saheb, Sub-Divisional Officer in the Engineering Department of the North-Western Railway, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in the recognition of his public services. Address: Lahore. KHUSHAL Chand, Rai Saheb, Chief Cashier, North-West- ern Railway, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his public services. Address: Lahore. Teja SlNGH, Bawa, Rai Saheb, Superintendent of the Office of the Postmaster-General of the Punjab, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in re- cognition of his public services. Address: Lahore.
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