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SUPPLEMENT 169 School. Ongole, and the Madras Christian College. 1I<- commenced practice at Ongole in 1894 an d on the establish- ment ol the Sessions Courts at Guntur in 1905 he was appoint- ed Public Prosecutor and Government Pleader there. In this portion of his public duties he has earned the commendation of the Collector and Judge of his district. He has long been connected with public movements in Ongole and Guntur. He was Secretary of Ongole Reading Room and Library for six years and it is through his efforts that the institution has its own building. He was Chairman of the Ongole Municipality from 1901 to 1905. He took a leading part in organizing the Cattle Show Association at that centre, and was its first President. Under his management the first " Show " in 1905, which spread the reputation of Ongole cattle throughout India, was a great success. The Rao Saheb organized the Guntur District Agricultural Association, and was its Secretary from 1905 to igoj; he has also been actively engaged in all the public movements in his District, having been Secretary of the Victoria, King Edward Memorial, and other Committees, etc. He has been Vice-President of the Guntur District Board since 1907 and his services have been recognized in the annual reports on the Local Fund Administration. He owns some 48 acres of land in Guntur and N *llore Districts. Hts title was conferred on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. in recognition of his great services to Government and the public. Club: Indian Club, Guntur. Address: Guntur. Madras Presidency. RNGsvMi Aiyr. Lalgudi Aiya Aiyau. Rao Saheb, Honorary Assistant Engineer. Madras Public Works Depart- ment, was born on 7th August. 1859, and educated at the S. P. G. College, Trichinopoly. and Madras Civil Engineering College. He joined the Public Works Department in 1881 as Overseer, and has risen to the responsible post he now holds. Throughout his service he has earned the commendation of his superiors by his good judgment, tact and great ability. His