176 WHO'S WHO IX INDIA in India". This medal he received at the hands of His Majesty on 4th January, 1912, in Calcutta. Publication . "Chaukidari and Panchayat Guide ." Address: Darjeeling. Bengal. SHAMBHUSItfGH Amarslngh JADHAVRAO, the Hon'ble Sardar, K.-l.-H., Raji of Malegaon, Additional Member of the Legislative Council of His Excellency the Governor of Bombay, was invested by His Majesty the King-Emperor with the Gold Kaisar-i-Hind Medal (first class) " for public service in India", on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. He was nominated to the Bombay Council on 22nd December, 1909. Address : Malegaon, Bombay Presideucy. KOTHARI, JEHANGIR Hormusji, k.-I.-H., Member of the Royal Society of Arts and the North- British Academy of Arts, Life-Governor of the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys and Girls, London, Honorary Special Magistrate, Mem- ber of the Cantonment and Municipal Committees, Karachi, Lieutenant in the Sind Volunteer Rifles, was born on 9th November, 1857, ar| d educated at home and at Karachi High School. His grandfather accompanied Sir Charles Napier, as Commissariat Agent, to Karachi, during the conquest of Sind in 1842-3. Mr Kothari is a large landed proprietor in Kara- chi, and is patron, trustee or president of many charitable and other institutions in the city. He has been an Honorary Special Magistrate since 1892, a nominated member of the Municipality since 1884, a member of the Cantonment Com- mittee since 1890, and a Volunteer Lieutenant since 1895. He is a great traveller, having: visited almost every part of the world; he has been five times round the world. He received the Gold Kaisar-i-Hind Medal (first class) on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. Publication : "Impresions of my First Tour Round the World." Recre- ation : Sailing. Clubs- Ripon Club, Bombay; Zoroastrian Club and Parsi Institute, Karachi. Address: Karachi.
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