70 WHO'S WHO IN INDIA Punjab Mulim League for 3 years, is a member of the Punjab Muslim Club, Lahore. Address: Bait-ul-Mahmud Mozang, Lahore. Agha Ali RaZA. Khan, Khan Bahadur, Deputy Superin- tendent of Police in the Punjab ; was made a Khan Bahadur in January, 19 13, in recognition of his public services as a Police Officer. Saiyid Zahir-UD-DLN, Khan Bahadur, Maulvi — of Patna. The title of Khan Bahadur was conferred on him as a personal distinction in January, 1913, for his public services. Address: Patna^ (Behar and Orissa)'. Elijah Jacob, Khan Bahadur, Extra-Assistant Com- missioner, Nagpur, Central Provinces. The title of Khan Bahadur was conferred on him in January, 19 13. Address : Nagpur (Central Provinces). KUTUB-UD-DIN Ahmad, Khan Bahadur, Maulvi — Pleader, Vice-Chairman, Nowgong Municipality in the Province of Assam. He was created a Khan Bahadur in January, 19 13, in recognition of his public services. Address : Nowgong, Assam . Nawab Ali Shah, Khan Bahadur, Inspector of Police, Indore State. See page 171, Part I, the Principal volume of Who's Who in India. The title of Khan Bahadur was conferred on him in January, 1913, in further recognition of his public services. Address : Indore, C. I. MirSyed Husain, b. a., Khan Bahadur, Judicial Mem- ber, Tonk State, Rajputana. The title of Khan Bahadur was conferred on him in January, 191 3, in recognition of his services to the Tonk Darbar. Address: Tonk, Rajputana.
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