72 WHO'S WHO IN INDIA Mahomed Aman Khan, Khan Bahadur, of Khalabat, Hazara District. He received the title of Khan Saheb some years back in recognition of his public services and was made a Khan Bahadur in January, 1913. Address: Khalabat, Hazara District, N.-W. F. P. Jalal-UD-DIN Khan, Khan Bahadur, retired Deputy Superintendent of Police, first grade, in the North-Western Frontier Province: See page 144, Part III of the principal volume of Who's Who in India. The title of Khan Bahadur was conferred on him in January, 1913, in further recognition of his services. Makbul Husain,m,A., Khan Bahadur, Sheikh — Bar-at-law, Revenue Minister, Jammu and Kashmir State : See page 165, Part I, of the principal volume of Who's Who in India. The title of Khan Bahadur was conferred on him in January, 191 3. Address: Jammu. Raja Mdrad Khan, Khan Bahadur, Governor of Ghize, Gilgit, was made a Khan Bahadur in January, 19 13. Address : Ghize, Gilgit. M. R. Ry. Nandagiri Lakshmana Rao Pantulu Garu, Rai Bahadur, Subordinate Judge, Kurnool, in the Madras Presidency. The title of Rai Bahadur was conferred on him in January, 19 [3, in recognition of his services. Address: Kurnool, Madras Presidency. ISACHARAN Chanda Lal, M.A., I.S.O., Deputy Commis- sioner, Muzaffargarh, was born on 22nd April, i863^ and educat- ed in the Government College, Lahore. After taking his M. A. degree in 1885 he entered the Provincial Civil service by competition in 1886, became Settlement Commissioner in 1902 and Officiating Deputy Commissioner in May, 1913. He was ad.mitted to the Imperial Service Order in recognition of
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