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114 WHO'S WHO IN INDIA words of the Hon'ble Mr. C. H. Hill, C.S.I., I.C.S., the special unique character of Professor Karve lies in two very definite directions, firstly, there is the unadvertising, steady, personal devotion to the cause to which he has sacrificed so much with- out, in any way, proclaiming his deed from the housetops; and secondly, there is the very remarkable sagacity displayed by him in the steps by which he has sought to advance. Professor Karve has thus been both a pioneer and an organiser in the women's cause. Like all apostles he has met with difficulties, misunderstanding and occasional reviling, but there can be no doubt that he has secured a large measure of success. Address : : Fergusson College, Poona. GoPAL Krishna Devadhar, m.a., the Senior Member of the Bombay Branch of the Servants of India Society, was born in the year 187 1 and educated in the Fergusson College, Poona, and the Wilson College, Bombay, After taking his B. A. degree in 1898 he joined the Aryan Education Society High School in Bombay and was at the head of the institution for 5 years.; passed M. A. in 1904 and joined the Hon'ble Mr. Gokhale in that year and the Servants of India Society was started in June, 1905. Besides being connected with several plague, famine and other relief institutions he is the Joint Secretary, Social Service League, Bombay, Assist- ant Secretary, National Social Conference, General Secretary, Sevasadan, Poona Branch, an organiser of Co-operative Socie- ties in the Deccan and Bombay, Joint Editor, Shetaki and Shetakais and Editor, Daily Dnyan Prakash. He has written several pamphlets on Mass Education, Co-operation, Social Reform, etc. Address : Servants of India Society ; Girgaum, Bombay. Ibrahim Khan Ismail Khan, Pathan, Khan Saheb — Deputy Educational Inspector, Southern Division in the Bombay Presidency. Title conferred in January, 19 14.