SUPPLEMENT 16 J Deputy Collector, Bengal. He joined the Finance Depart- ment of the Government of India in 1903 and the Foreign Department in 1907. In recognition of his services the title of Rai Saheb was conferred on him as a mark of personal distinction in 19 14. Address-. Delhi and Simla. PURSHOTAM Das Thakur Das, b. a, Justice of the Peace, Kaisar-i-Hind medallist, was born in June, 1878. He is a cotton merchant who comir^ands confidence of Europeans and Indians alike and is the first and only Indian who is privileged to survey and arbitrate on disputes regarding cotton trade in the Bombay Cotton Trade Association Rooms. He is the Honor- ary General Secretary and Treasurer, of the Bombay Central Famine Relief Fund as also of the Bombay Presidency Permanent Famine Relief Fund, Chairman of the Indian Merchants' Chamber of Commerce and Bureau, Bombay, Vice- Chairman of the Bombay Cotton Exchange, etc., etc. Address: Malabar Castle, Ridge Road, Malabar Hill, Bombay. Dhonkal Singh, Rao Bahadur, Thakur, of Gorao, Jodhpur State, Rajputana. The title of Rao Bahadur, as a personal distinction, was conferred on him in January, 1914. Address : Jodhpur State, Rajputana. Allah Din, Khan Saheb, of Sialkot, Punjab, Bridge Jamadar, Madras Harbour Works. Title conferred in January, 1914. AzAM HusEN Mahomed Khan Kammal-ud-din Khan, Khan Saheb, Jath Malik, Talukdar of Vanod, Kathiavvar, in the Bombay Presidency. The title of Khan Saheb was conferred on him in January, 1914. Wadero Ali Nawaz K«an Jalbani, Khan Saheb, of Masudero, Larkhana District, Sind, in the Bombay Presidency. Title of Khan Saheb conferred in January, 1914. Address : Masudero, Larkhana District, Sind, Bombay Presidency.
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