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Page:Who's Who in India Supplement 2 (1914).djvu/256

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I/O WEIO'S WHO IN INDIA Ram Saran Das, the Hon'ble Rai Bahadur — Mill Owner and Contractor of Lahore, and a member of the Legislative Council, Punjab. See also page 129, Part III, of the Principal volume of Who's Who in India. He was awarded the Kaisar- i-Hind medal of the first class in January, 1914, in recognition of his public services. Address : Lahore. ChatrabbujGovardhandas, Merchant, Firm of Messrs. Mulji Jethaand Company, Bombay, was awarded the Raisar-i- Hind medal of the second class in January, 19 14, in recog- nition of his public services. Address : Bombay. Pritamdas HukumatRai Shahani, RaoSaheb, Techni- cal Deputy Superintendent, Indian Telegraph Office, Bombay, was born in July, 1868, in a respectable but poor family of the •' Amil" Community of Hyderabad, Sind. His ancestors, Lohana Kshatrias, are said to have migrated from the Punjab into Sind. In 1897, ^^ the sudden start of the Tochi Expedition, Rao Pritamdas was selected for charge of the Edwardsabad Base Telegraph Office and he acquitted himself admirably under very trying circumstances. In 1901, he held charge of the Tank Field Telegraph Office during the Wazirastan Blockade. His services as the Technical Deputy Superin- tendent in the Bombay Telegraph Office during the Corona- tion season of 191 1-13 were highly appreciated and won him a Coronation Darbar medal. He takes keen interest in the cause of social reform specially in the direction of female education. He is the author of two books in Sindhi, one an original novel depicting the life as lived by Hindus in Sind and exposing the mischief done by several social evils, and the other, a short treatise on the " Duties of Woman." Address: Indian Telegraph Office, Fort, Bombay. Ram Nath MaHanti, Rai Saheb, Babu — Khas Mahal Tahsildar and Manager of the Kanpar Wards State at Bhadrak, in the Province of Bihar and Orissa, was made a Rai Saheb in June, 1913, in recognition of his public services.