SUPPLEMENT 21 have everywhere been highly spoken of. He comes of a very respectable Khatri Kapur family of Jhelum (Punjab) specially mentioned in the District Gazetteer on account of its great in- fluence and the long meritorious services rendered by it to the Government. A Coronation sanad W3is granted to him, in 191 1, for his good work in the Settlement Department. The title of Rai Sahib was conferred on him in 191 3. Address : Gwalior. WiLLAlT Rai, Rao Bahadur, Mr. — Superintendent of Post Offices, third grade. The title of Rao Bahadur was conferred on him in June, 19 13, in recognition of his public services. Bedi SuJAN Singh, Sardar Sahib — of Una, Hoshiarpur District. The title of Sardar Sahib was conferred on him in June, 1913, as a personal distinction. For further particulars seepage 103, Part III, of the Principal work. Address: Una, Hoshiarpur District, Punjab. Bhai Kartar Singh, Sardar Sahib — Sub-Assistant Surgeon in the Punjab. The title of Sardar Sahib was conferred in June, 1913. Muhammad Hussein Muhammad Taki, Khan Sahib — Ins- pector, Criminal Investigation Department, Bombay City Police Force, was made a Khan Sahib in June, 1913, in recognition of his public service. Address : Bombay. Nasarwanji RuSTOMJI Vachha, Khan Sahib — Jailor, first grade, Ahmedabad Central Prison. The title of Khan Sahib was granted in June, 191 3. Address : Poona. Ardeshir Cursetji Dotiwala, Khan Sahib — Supervisor, first grade, and Sub-Engineer, third grade, in the Bombay Presidency. The title of Khan Sahib was granted in June, 1913- Seth ThANMULJI, Rai Bahadur ; is the Proprietor of the firm of Bankers going by the name of Sirdarmull Sugan- mull and carrying on business in the Residency Bazars,
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