6o WHO'S WHO IN INDIA Council ever since it was formed in 1909, and his services in that Council have been of a very high order. There is no public movement in the Province in which Pandit Moti Lai does not take an eminent part, be it political, social, industrial, or intellectual. He is also a fellow of the Allahabad University. Address :, Anand Bhawan, Allahabad. Khawja Ghulam-us-Saqlain, b.a., ll.b. The Hon'ble — Vakil, High Court, Meerut, and Member of the United Pro- vinces Legislative Council on behalf of Mohomedans, born in 1873, belongs to a very respectable family which migrated from Persia to India in the 7th Century and settled at Panipat (the Punjab) where some muaji d,nd is still enjoyed by Ansaris (the family name). He obtained his degrees in Arts and Law from the M.A.O. College, Aligarh, in 1893, and 1895, respectively. Khawj a Ghulam-us-Saqlain began to write articles for the Press when he was only 15 years of age. For sometime after taking his degrees he served in the Hyderabad State in various capaci- ties. He began to practise as a V"akil in Meerut in 1901. He founded Social Reform propaganda amongst the Muslims in 1903 and started a monthly Journal called Asrijadid " in January, 1903, and was President of the Muslim Press Associa- tion in 1904. He has extensively travelled to Mesopotamia, Persia, Syria, Palestine, Caucasia, Turkey and Egypt in 1910-1 1 in connection with pilgrimage. He is the author of several pub- lications in Urdu and four in English. The chief in Urdu are (i) Aims of student's life, (2) on Slavery, (3) Principles and Ethics of Islam, (4) Essays on Reform; and in English, (i) England's Policy in Persia and its perils, (2) History of Interest with special reference to India.. He has lately taken up the subject of usurious loans in India and is working for the reform of this law in a very assiduous manner in the Council. Address : Meerut. ChintaMaNI, Mr. C.Y. — Born, April, 1880, at Vizianagram in the Vizagapatam district of the Madras Presidency. He is a Telugu Brahmin and the third son of Brahmasri Chirra-
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