Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/128

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ferent provinces assembled at Peking and schemed to overthrow the administration of President Li Yuan-hung, General Chen Kuang-yuan was appointed Assistant Commander-in-chief of the Metropolitan Precautionary Force by General Wang Shih-cheng, then Prime Minister, who was Commander-in-Chief of the Force. General Chen assisted General Tuan Chi-jui in the movement to overthrow Chang Hsun's monarchical movement and restore the Republic in July 1917. His troops on this occasion rendered no small service. They fought General Chang Hsun's soldiers by way of Hsichihmen and successfully drove them into their head quarters and finally cornered them. On July 27th 1917 General Chen was appointed Tutung of Charhar Special District. However, a mandate issued on August 6, 1917 transferred him to the post of Tuchun of Kiangsi. In October 1920 General Ch'en was made a Full General. In June 1922 General Ch'en was relieved of the post of Kiangsi Tuchun and commander of the 12th Division.