Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/252

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Industry and Commerce). A year later he was transferred to the Ministry of Communications where he became officiating Counsellor and Acting Director of the Railway Department. On May 26, 1916 Mr. Ch'uan was ordered to take charge of the Ministry and on June 16, he was appointed acting Vice-Minister of Communications. In October 1916 he was relieved of the acting post and returned to the Councillor post again. From April 1917 to July 1917 Mr. Ch'uan was Vice-Minister of Communications. During the month of May he was acting for the Minister of Communications. After his resignation from the Vice-Ministership, he was at once appointed Director of the Kirin-Huining Railway which position he held only for a few months. In January 1919 Mr. Ch'uan was appointed Director-General of the Kirin-Huining Railway and concurrently the managing director of the Kirin-Changchun Railway and was in the same month decorated by the Second Order of Paokuang Chiaho. In January 1920 Mr. Ch'uan was awarded the Second Order of Wenhu and in February, the Second Order of Tashou Paokuang. In July 1920, immediately after the Chihli-Anfu War he was appointed acting Vice-Minister of Communications and director-general of Government Railways. He was also ordered to discharge the functions of the Minister. In August 1920 Yen Kung-ch'ao became Minister and Mr. Ch'uan handed over the office. He was at the same time relieved of the Vice-Ministerskip and ordered to return to Kirin-Huining and Kirin-Changchun posts. In November 1920 he was charged with having misapp riated $100,000 out of the railway construction fund. He was summoned before the Peking Court to answer the charge. The case however resulted in the finding of Mr. Ch'uan being not guilty and he was soon reinstated to the position of director-general of Kirin Huining Railway. In May 1921 Mr. Ch'uan was removed from the Kirin-Huining post. In March 1922 he was appointed an executive member of the Commission on the Problems of Communications in connection with the Retrocession of Shantung. In May 1922, after the downfall of the Communications Clique. Mr. Ch'uan: was again appointed Director-General of the Kirin-Huining Railway and to hold concurrently the post of Acting Minister of Communications. A week later he was relieved from the latter position and has been Director-General of the Kirin-Huining Railway ever since that time.