Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/301

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offered the Seventh Class Chiaho decoration by President Li Yuan-hung: He refused this and later was offered the Sixth Class, which honor he also declined to accept, saying that he felt it undemocratic to accept decorations. He was active in the organization of the People's Union shortly after the out break of the students against traitorous officials in Peking in May 1919 and became its Second Secretary, as well as acting chairman of the executive committee. Mr. Hsia Chin-hsi has been called the "Brains of the Patriotic Movement in Tientsin.” His importance to the movement was not overlooked by the authorities determined to stamp out the boycott, as he was among the first group of leaders to be seized and placed in solitary confinement upon the ractionary ascendency in January, 1920. Mr. Hsia is a worthy representative of the more substantial element among the patriots. As the capable secretary of the Tientsin Chinese General Chamber of Commerce into whose hands practically all the affairs of the Chamber were entrusted by his chief, Pien Yueh-ting, president of the chamber, Mr. Hsia wielded immense influence in the merchant community. It was largely through his efforts that the merchants of Tientsin and North China joined whole-heartedly in the patriotic labors of the students