Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/321

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bidders. Mr. Hsiung in the capacity of Director-General established two asylums in Peking to receive these children. When the flood subsided, most of these children were claimed and taken back by their parents, but still about 200 were left on the hands of the authorities without any claimants. Finding it necessary to find a place for the upbringing of the children, Mr. Hsiung secured the donation by Ching Household of the Imperial Hunting Park on the Western Hills and using this place he established an orphanage called the Children's Home. In May 1921 Mr. Hsiung was called to Hunan to direct the self-government movement in that province. He returned to Peking in July 1921. The object of this hasty return was partly to ease the mind of the northern leaders who suspected him of having joined the southern leaders and partly to save the Children's Home from losing the government's support. In November 1922, Mr. Hsiung was awarded the Second Order of Merit. In the same month he was ordered by the President to devise means of living for the poor people in the Metropolis. In January 1923 he was appointed a Member of the Educational Sinking Fund Commission. Mr. Hsiung's address is Children's Home, Hsiang Shan, Peking.