Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/350

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In February he was requested to act as Adviser to the Civil and Military Governor of Shantung. For services rendered in connection with the Plague Prevention Commission he was again given an Order of Appreciation by the President. In November Mr. Hsu was awarded the second class Tashou Chia Ho Decoration. In March 1920 he was appointed Director-General of the Pu-Hsing Railway. At the end of the month he was instructed to act concurrently as the managing director of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway. In August 1920 he was appointed Vice-Minister of Communications and also appointed by the Ministry of Communications to act concurrently as Director-General of Railways, Chairman of the Standing Committee on the Unification of Railway Accounts and Statistics, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Communications and Chairman of the Commission for the study of Freedom of International Transit and Communications. In December 1920 Mr. Hsu was ordered to make preparations for the organization of the Communication University. In January 1921 Mr. Hsu was conferred the Second Class Tashou Chiaho and appointed to hold concurrently the post of Director General of the Post. In August 1921 Mr. Hsu was conferred the First Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho and in October the First Class Wenfu. During October-December 1921 he received three additional appointments, viz: chief the International Communications Bureau; associate director of the Famine Relief Bureau; and director general of the currency bureau. In June 1922 Mr. Hsu was relieved of the directorship of the currency bureau and also vice-directorship of the Famine Relief Bureau. General Hsu retired to private life in 1922.