Mr. Kao En-hung
高恩洪 字定庵
Mr. Kao En-hung was born at Peng Hai Hsien, Shantung Province, in 1875. He studied in the Temple Hill College, Chefoo. He completed his studies at King's College, London, where he remained for six years. Returning he was first attached to the Chinese Amban in Tibet from 1907 to 1909. He was next appointed Secretary to ex-President Hsu Shih-chang who was at that time director-general of the Tientsin-Pukow Railway. Later he became secretary to the Governor of Mukden, who was no other than Mr. Tang Shao-yi. In 1910 Mr. Kao was transferred to the Board of Communications, then known as Yuchuan Pu, and in 1912 he was appointed secretary to the Szechuan-Hankow Railway Administration and concurrently director of the telegraph office in Hankow. In 1914 Mr. Kao was made