Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/415

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government tried to concentrate power in Peking and local finances were consequently stringent and the fund for education became very scant. In such circumstances Mr. Kao accepted the new appointment. But in a few months he was able to increase the number of schools in that province by ten and find the necessary funds for the purpose. In 1909 Mr. Kao was promoted to be provincial treasurer, a very high provincial appointment at that time. After serving in that important capacity for some time, one of his parents died, and according to the ancient custom, he had to retire from official duties for three years. Then came the first revolution in 1911, and Mr. Kao went to Tientsin to continue living in retirement. During his retirement in Tientsin, at the request of his friends, he did all he could to direct the organization of banks along modern lines in the different parts of the country. In August 1913 Mr. Kao, was appointed Acting Chief of the Financial Bureau of Chihli. In September 1913 he was ordered to act concurrently as Chief of the Preparation Bureau for the Collection of National Taxes in Chihli. He was relieved of these two posts in April 1914. In 1915 Mr. Kao was High Advisor to the Office of the Tuchun of the Three Eastern Provinces. In August 1917, a new Parliament was convened and Mr. Kao was a member of it from Chihli. In August 1920 Mr. Kao was appointed Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Commerce. In January 1921 he received the Second Class Tashou Chiaho. In July 1921 he was appointed Vice-President of the Bank of Agriculture and Commerce. In October 1921, he was appointed Minister of Finance and was awarded the First Class Tashou Chiaho. In November 1921 he was ordered to be concurrently Director General of the Currency Bureau and also Director General of the Salt Adminstration. In Deceniber 1921 he was transferred to be Minister of the Interior. In this capacity he served in January 1922 the following concurrent positions: Director-General of Famine Relief; Director General of the Metropolitan Municipal Administration; and President of the Yangtze River Commission. In March 1922 Mr. Kao was awarded the First Class Wenfu. In May 1922 he was ordered to act concurrently as Minister of Communications. This acting post he only held for half a month. In June 12, 1922 Mr. Kao was relieved of the portfolio of the Interior. On the 18th of the same month he was appointed Civil Governor of Chihli. But he did not assume office and on the 24th he was relieved of the post of governor. In August 1922 he was appointed Acting Minister of Finance. In September he was transferred to be Acting Minister of Agriculture and Commerce. In October 1922 Mr. Kao was given the First Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho. In November 1922 he was transferred to be Acting Minister of the Interior. In January 1923 he was appointed Minister of the Interior. In February he was ordered to hold concurrently the Presidency of the Yangtze River Commission. In October 1923 Mr. Kao was appointed to act as Premier. This position he held until January 1924, when he was appointed Director General of the Customs Administration to succeed Mr. Sun Pao-chi, who had been appointed Premier.