Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/496

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Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. During the second revolution, he was in charge of the defence of the Kiangnan Arsenal against the attack of the revolutionary force headed by Chen Chi-mei. In the revolution of 1915, he was deprived of the rank but retained office on account of the loss of the crusier Chao Ho to the anti-government force. After the death of the late President Yuan Shih-kai in the summer of 1916 he became Commander-in-chief of the First fleet. On December of 1917 he was relieved of active service and appointed Yao Wei Chiang Chun. He became concurrently adviser to the President and the Cabinet. In January 1920 Admiral Li was conferred the Second Class Wenfu and also the Second Class Paokuang Chiaho. In March 1921 Admiral Li was appointed Minister of the Navy. In October he was made Full Admiral. In December 1921 the Cabinet underwent a change and Admiral Li remained in the navy post. In June 1922 Admiral Li became Acting Minister of the Navy following a cabinet change. Another change of cabinet in August 1922 did not affect his post. In September 1922 he was awarded the First Class Wenfu. In September 1922 he remained intact through a cabinet change. In October 1922 he was conferred the Second Order of Merit. In November 1922 Admiral Li underwent another Cabinet change. In January 1923 Admiral Li was appointed Minister of the Navy. In January 1924 he was again appointed Minister of the Navy when Sun Pao-chi became Prime Minister.