Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/774

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the Supreme Court. In November 1918 he was awarded the First Class Wenfu. In July 1920 Mr. Tung was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for the second time. But a month later he was appointed Acting Minister of Justice. From May to December, 1921, he was Minister of Justic. In December 1921 he returned to the Supreme Court again holding concurrently the post of President of the High Judicial Service Punishment Commission. In February 1922 he received another post as President of the Commission for the Consolidation of Domestic and Foreign Debts. In May 1922 he was appointed Acting Minister of Finance, holding concurrently the post of Director General of the Salt Administration, of the Currency Bureau and of the Wine and Tobacco Administration. In August 1922 Mr. Tung was relieved from all the financial posts. Shortly afterwards he left China on a touring trip to America and Europe to investigate commercial and industrial conditions therein. During his absence, he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in September 1922, with Yu Chi-chang to act for him; President of the High Judicial Service Court, in October 1922 with Hu l-Ku to act for him. In February 1923 he was officially relieved of these two appointment and was at the same time the Vice-President of the Commission for the Discussion of Jurisprudence. In October 1923 he was given the Second Order of Merit. In 1924 he returned to China.