Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/917

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opened an oil mill. This was the first mechanical oil mill in the interior of China. In 1916 he started the Kuang-Ching Weaving and Spinning Company with a total capilization of one million dollars. He has been its managing director since its establishment. In 1920 he put up the Kuang Ching Soap Faotory and the Kuang Ching Foundry Company in the vicinity of the new spinning and weaving mill. Mr. Yang has opened a stone-paved road connecting his mills with the Shanghai-Nanking Railway Station at Wusih. It is several miles long and in its vicinity he has put up schools, police stations, a fire brigade, market houses, and a band composed of orphan boys. He has made the new section a modern self-governing district and it is called the Kuang Ching District. It is about a mile north of the city of Wusih. Besides his business activities, Mr. Yang is at present the chairman of the Merchants Volunteer Corp and Chief of the Engineering Department of the local Waterways Improvement Bureau. He is considered a leader of tthe modern industrial development of Wusih District which has lately gained the name "The Little Shanghai."