Page:Who is Jesus?.pdf/127

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WE HAVE outlined man as consisting of three definite and distinctly marked planes for the reception of life from his Creator. The material body is the lowest of all. It is the foundation upon which the superstructure is built and is indispensable in order that mental and spiritual life may be manifested in a material universe; but it is perishable and eventually disappears into new forms when the soul inhabiting it no longer needs it.

Directly in connection with the material body, but consisting of something distinctly different in kind, higher, finer, and interior to it, is the natural mind, but these two, the natural mind and the material body, work together as a unit. Although different in kind and operating together by analogy or correspondence, the body sewing the mind as a vehicle for manifesting itself on the plane of nature, they both belong to the realm of the natural. Animals also