Page:Who is Jesus?.pdf/72

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Simply because the sun appeared to move around the earth. It did not seem reasonable to men who were governed by the apparent facts in the case that the sun was relatively standing still and the earth revolving in space.

We have demonstrated a theory, which we do not claim to be our own, to account for the fact of Jesus Christ. It shows him incontrovertibly, from the documents in the case, as well as from experience, to be God—and if God, then the only God of heaven and earth—Jehovah manifested in the flesh. In doing this we have given a visible sun to our religious solar system, and demonstrated that there is only one such solar center, not three.

Because we do not as yet perceive how Jehovah and Jesus can be the same identical being,—because we cannot as yet understand the manner in which the infinite is finited,—let us not deny the facts. The facts do not depend for their existence upon our understanding of them. We are sure that they are susceptible of rational explanation. If we know anything at all of Jesus, it is from the Bible; if we accept the statements of the Bible, confirmed by experience, he is God. If he is God, he is the only God; there is no God apart from him.