Page:Whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy (2).pdf/13

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Part II.
The wonderful works of our John.

towns at een, tugging at their tow rocks, spread it round the kintry; and every body's mouth was fill'd wi' Jockey and Jenny, and how Maggy had parted wi' bairn.

At last Mess John Hill hears of the horrid action, and sends the elder of that quarter and Clinkem Bell the grave-maker, to summon Jockey and Jenny to the session, and to see how the stool of repentance wad set them, no sooner had they entered the door but Maggy fa's a greeting, and wringing her hands; Jockey's mither fell a fliting, and he himſelf a rubbing his lugs, and riving his hair, saying, O gin I were but a half ell higher, I sud be a soger or it be lang: and gie me a good flail or a corn fork, I sud kill Frenchmen enew, before I gade to face yon flyting ministers, an be set up like a warld's wonder, on their cock-stool or black-stool, and wha can bide the shame, when every body looks to them, wi' their sacken sarks or gowns on them, like a piece of an auld canvas prickt about a body, for naething but what every body does amaist, or they be married as well as me.

Mit. My man Johnny, ye're no the firſt that has done it, an ye'll no be the last; een mony o' the ministers has done it themselves, hout ay, your father and I did it mony a time.

Mag.Mag. Ay, ay, and that gars your son be so good o't as he is, the thing that's bred in the flesh is ill to pit out o' the bane.

Mit. Daft woman, what way wad the warld stand if fouks wadna mak use o' ither? 'tis the thing that's natural, bairns getting; therefore its no to be scunner'd at.

Mag. Ay, ay, but an they be for the like o' that, they, should marry.

Mit. But I think there's little ill though they try it ance or twice or they be married? 'tis, an unco thing till a body to be bound to a business, if they dinna ken whether they be able for it or no.

Mag. Ay, ay, that's your way o' doing and, his,