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The wonderful works of our John.
Part II.

she, here's the bride to lie down wi' you: Na, na, said he, I'll no lie wi' that unco woman indeed, if I binna heads an thraws the way I lay wi' my mither! O fy! dinna affront yourſel. The bride faus a crying, O mither! mither! was this the way my father guided you the firſt night? Na, na, thy father was a man o' manners and better mettle, poor thing Meg, thou's cau'd thy hogs to a bonny market. A bonny market, says his mither, a shame fa' you an her baith, he's wordy o' her, though she were better nor what she is, or e'er will be. His friends and her friends being in a mixt multitude, some took his part, an some took her's, there did a battle begin in the clap of a hand, being a very fierce tumult, which ended in blood, they struck so hard with stones, sticks, beetles, and barrow trams, pigs, pots, stoups, trunchers, were flying like bombs and granadoes. The crook, bouls and tangs were all employed as weapons of war, till down came the bed with a great mow of peats. So disturbet their bedding.


NOW though all the ceremonies of Jockey and Maggy's wedding were ended, when they were fairly bedded, before a wheen rattling unruly witnesses, who dang down the bed aboon them; the battle still encreased, and John's works turn'd out to be very wonderfu', for he made Janet that was his mither's lass the last year, grow like an elshin haft, and got his ain Maggy wi' bairn forby.

The hamsheughs, were very great, until auld uncle Rabby came in to redd them, and a sturdy auld fellow he was, stood stively wi' a stiff rumple, and by strength of his arms rave them sindry, flingin the tane east and the tither west, until they stood a' round about like as mony breathless forfoughten cocks, and no ane durst steer anither for him, Jockey's mither was driven o'er a kist, and brogit a' her hips on a round heckle, up she gat rinning to fell