Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/13

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For their moving they meet in the mid-way,
All the grooms ſhall grunch by the way-ſide,
And many bairn ſhall have his byth on the back-ſide,
And that marvell ſhall fall by a fyrth-ſide,
Where the leader of the land ſhall his life loſe;
But that bargain ſhall brew in a bare brough,
That ſhall banish from bliſs many bright helm,
When it is bireved of his back, and his brief known,
Of dum organs dight, then may thou well deem.
Of all the weil and the wealth before them was wrought
With hunger and hireſhip on every hill:
Yet this wicked world ſhall laſt but a while;
While a chiftain unchoſen chooſe forth himſelf,
And ride over the region, and for Roy holden:
Then his ſcutifiers ſhall ſkail all the fair ſouth,
From Dumbarton to Dover and deal all the lands:
He ſhall be kid conqueror, for he is kind Lord,
Of all Britain that bounds to the broad ſea.
The conqueſſing ſhall be keeped, and never conqueſt after.
By the coſt ye ſhall know when the knight comes,
He has a mark in the middle, where no man may know;
When he is in the eaſt when the ſun riſeth,
He has a ſign ſhall ſhew on the ſouth-ſide.
Signum venenaſi ſanguinus de ventre matris ſue,
All Wales I wiſh ſhall wend with that Roy,
For to work his will, where he think would,
Guaine Gaſkonigne, and Britain the blyth,
Shall buſk to his bidding on their beſt wiſe:
The whole men will help in his moſt height,
Then ſhall he turn into tuſkane but treaty or true,
And buſk him over the mountains on midwinter even,
And then go to Rome, and rug down the walls,
And over all the region Roy ſhall be holden.
Oft this book have I ſeen, and better thereafter,
Of marvellous Merling, but is waſted away,
With a wicked woman woe might ſhe be.

The Prophecies of Berlington.

WHEN the ruby is raiſed, reſt is there none;
But much rancour ſhall riſe in river and plain,
Much ſorrow is ſeen through a ſluth hound,

That bears horns in his head like a wild hart: