Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/21

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To light and ray him on a lee,
With fifty-five Knights that are keen,
And earls either two or theee,
From Carliſle ſhall come bedeen,
Again ſhall they it never ſee,
At Pinkin Cleugh there ſhall be ſpilt,
Much gentle blood that day;
There ſhall the bear loſe the gylt,
And the eagle bear it away.
Before the water, men calls Tyne,
And there over lays a bridge of ſtone,
That bears three ſhall loſe the gree,
There ſhall the eagle win his name.
There comes a beaſt out of the weſt,
With him ſhall come a fair minie,
His banner hath been ſeldom ſeen,
A baſtard trow I beſt he be;
Gotten with a ladie ſheen,
And a knight in privity,
His arms are full eath to know,
The red lion beareth he,
And be right glad to flee away!
Into an orchard on a lee;
With herbs green and allies gray,
There will he enlaked be,
His men ſays, harmeſay;
The eagle puts his banner on hie,
And ſays the field he wan that day:
There ſhall the lion lie full ſtill,
Into a valley fair and bright:
A lady ſhouts with words ſhril,
And ſays woe worth thee cruel knight,
Thy men are ſlain upon yon hill,
The dead are many doughty dight.
Thereat the lion liketh ill,
And raiſeth his banner hie on hight:
Upon the moor that is ſo grey,
Beſide an headleſs croſs of ſtone:
There ſhall the eagle die that day;
And the red lion win the name.
The eagles three ſhall loſe the gree:
That they have had this many a day:
The red lion ſhall win renown,

Win all the field and bear away.