Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/9

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And the proudeſt in the preis to bail ſhall be brought,
The fey fox and the fulmart in arms are taken,
And led to the lion law to abide;
The pyper and the pye ſhall ſuffer in the ſame;
All the friends of the fox ſhall be fey made;
Then ſhall troy untrue tremble for dread,
For dreador of the deadman when they hear him ſpeak,
All the commons of Kyth ſhall caſt him the keys,
The buſhment of Beverlaw therewith ſhall break.
Then war men and woods away went,
And every ſeed in his ſeaſon laindly is ſet,
And right well ruled, and falſehood is fled!
Then ſhall be plenty of peace when laws have no let,
The ſpouſe of God ſhall ſing with a joyful ſong,
Thanking God thereof and the Trinity,
And all grace and goodneſs ſhall grow us among:
And every fruit ſhall have plenty by land and by ſea:
Then the ſun and the moon ſhall ſhine bright,
That many days afore dark have been;
And keep their courſe both day and night,
With more mirth than men have ſeen,
As Berlington's books and Banneſter's tells.
Merling, and many more that with marvels mells,
And alſo Thomas Rymer in his tales tells.
They ſay the Saxons ſhall chooſe them a lord,
That ſhall make them greatly to fall under:
The dead man ſhall riſe, and them accord,
And this is much wonder and ſlight,
That he that was dead, and buried in fight,
Shall riſe again and live in the land.
In comfort of a young knight,
That Fortune hath choſen to be her huſband,
The wheel ſhall turn to him full right,
That Fortune hath choſen to be her ſire,
In Surry ſhall he ſhow a fight.
In Babylon bring many a bern or brier,
Fifteen miles from Jeruſalem the Holy Croſs win ſhall he;
The ſame lord that bears the lyon,
At Stanfoord wan the gree,
Fortune hath granted him the victory,
Since firſt that he arms bear:
For without treaſon or treatorie,
Deſtiny ſhall not him deir,

While of age til him drive,