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I thought when firſt I got a wife,
a happy pair we’d be,
But ſhe proves the torment of my life.
we never can agree.
For what I thought my greateſt bliſs,
is curſe beyond compare ;
and yet the worſt of all is this,
ſhe’s mine for ever-mair.

And ſhe’s ay, ay plaguing me,
ſhe’s ay plaguing me;
She proves the torment of my life,
we never can agree.

Of honey-months I’ve heard and read,
and hop'd to taſte them too;
But ah! I’m grievouſly afraid
there’s little of them true:
A wicked wife’s the warſt of a’,
at leaſt it ſeems to me:
My rib ſhe flytes frae morn till night,
‘we’re never like to ’gree.

And ſhe's ay, ay banging me,