Samſon ſaid ſhe, the world may ſee,
Thou waſt a judge that prov'd unjuſt
Theſe gracious gifts which God gave thee,
Thou loſt by thy lecencious luſt.
From Delilah thy wicked wife,
Thy ſecrets chief could not refrain,
She daily fought to take thy life.
Thou loſt thy locks, and then was slain,
Though thou wast strong it was in vain,
Haunting with harlots here and there,
Then Samson turned back again,
And with the wife would mell nae mair.
Then ſaid King David knock not so sair,
We are all troubled with your cry.
David, she ſaid, how cam'ſt thou there,
Thou might'ſt bide out as well as I:
Thy deeds no ways thou canſt deny.
Are not thy sins far worse than mine?
Who with Uriah's wife did ly
And caus'd him to be murder'd ſyne.
Then Judith said, Who's there that knocks.
And to our neighbours give these notes?
Madam, ſaid ſhe let be your mocks,
I came not here for cutting throats,
I am a sinner full of blots,
Yet through Chriſts blood I ſhall be clean.
If you and I be judg'd by votes,
The thing you did was worſe than mine.
Then ſaid the ſapient Solomon,
Tho art a sinner all men ſay,
Therefore our Saviour I ſuppone,
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