Page:Wife of Beith (4).pdf/20

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You did deny your master thrice.
For all your stoutness turned a block,
Now flyte no more if ye be wise.
Yet at the last the Lord arose,
Environed with angels bright.
And to the wife in haste he goes,
Desir'd her to pass out of sight,
O Lord quoth she, cause me do right
But not according to any sin,
Have you not promised day and night,
When sinners knocks to let them in?
He said thou wrests the scriptures wrong.
The night is come thou spent the day
In whoredom thou hast lived long,
And do repent thou didst delay;
Still my commandments thou abus'd
And vice committed busily,
Since now my mercy thou refused
Go down to hell eternally,
O Lord, my soul doth testify,
That I have spent my life in vain;
Ah! make a wandering sheep of me,
And bring me to thy flock again.
Think'st thou there is no count to crave,
Of all these gifts in thee was planted,
I gave thee beauty 'bove the lave,
A pregnant wit thou never wanted.
Master, quoth she it must be granted,

My sins are great give me contrition;