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Governance meetings | |
Meeting structure | |
A board that meets between 3 and 6 times per year | |
With no more than 15 people in the room | |
Having at least one away day per year | |
Meeting management | |
Future board agendas that are rigorously planned by the Chair and Chief Executive | |
A board that has part of at least two meetings per year with only the Chief Executive present and part of at least two meetings per year with no executives present | |
That resolves most matters by broad consensus and has formal votes when required | |
That discusses its forward agenda at least twice per year | |
That uses a 'consent' item at every meeting or another method of disposing of some business quickly | |
And that is satisfied with the quantity, quality and timeliness of information provided to the board | |
Governance behaviours | |
Effectiveness of board members | |
A board where full attendance is expected by all members and that achieves average attendance of 80% or more | |
That uses the full and appropriate range of members' skills and experiences | |
Where members meet for at least one day per year outside meetings | |
Where conflicts of interest are always raised, recorded and properly managed | |
Chair - Chief Executive relationship | |
A board where the Chair and Chief Executive are in regular email contact and/or speak with each other about weekly | |
Where the Chair gives at least 20 days per year to the organisation | |
And sits on or has sat on or observed at least one other board |
Compass Partnership