Page:Wikimedia UK gov review rpt v5.djvu/29

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When acting as volunteers on projects, they should usually be accountable to the Chief Executive or through the leader of the initiative to the Chief Executive.

Board members should recognise their crucial role in supporting the Chief Executive to achieve the organisation's objectives. Through the Chair, the board should agree to objectives with the Chief Executive, manage his performance sensitively and recognise that maintaining good relationships in public and private is of paramount importance. The board should beware of any tendency to 'micro manage' him/her.
All communication around board meetings should accord with the organisational value of having 'respectful and professional working relationships internally and externally'. If there are breaches of this it should be drawn to the individual's attention by the Chair.
The board should agree the overall annual budget for the organisation and then review exception reporting against it. Board members should generally not control spending of individual budget lines as these should be governed by general delegated financial responsibilities.

4.5 Governance in a movement

Strong and effective relationships are an essential ingredient of any movement with a central body licencing chapters to use the organisation's name in different territories. Trust and openness are vital. We therefore make a number of recommendations designed to strengthen this crucial relationship:

Key managerial and operational communication with the Wikimedia Foundation should usually be handled by the Chief Executive. This includes application for use of valuable movement resources, such as trademark licences. Governance level communication should be handled by the Chair or an individual delegated by him or her and copied to the Chief Executive.
The tone of all communication with the movement or any parts of it should be respectful and professional and in line with the organisation's values. This tone should be set and modelled from the top.
Where any project in which Wikimedia UK engages requires a trademark agreement from the Wikimedia Foundation the Chief Executive should

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