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- have regard to governance advice sought and received by the board from external sources
- interview current longer-serving Wikimedia UK trustees and staff and a sample of recent former trustees about the general governance arrangements
- draw on written and verbal information and contributions supplied by the Wikimedia Foundation
- conduct a community consultation – see appendix
- sit in and observe half-a-day of a Wikimedia UK board meeting
- draw on our own experience of conducting charity governance reviews.
1.3 Organisational context
Wikimedia UK’s charitable objects as stated in its Articles are:
- for the benefit of the public, to promote and support the widest possible public access to, use of and contribution to Open Content of an encyclopaedic or educational nature or of similar utility to the general public, in particular the Open Content supported and provided by Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., based in San Francisco, California, USA.
Wikimedia UK’s vision as stated is:
- free knowledge for all.
Its mission as stated is:
- to help people and organisations build and preserve open knowledge to share and use freely.
Its values as stated are:
- to value the contribution of volunteers
- to encourage, involve and engage volunteers
- to recognise that the contribution of volunteers is central to the activity of the organisation
- to be transparent and open
- to promote the value of free and open licences
- to have respectful and professional working relationships internally and externally
Compass Partnership