collections. Figure 1 reflects this increase in usage as well as increasing correlation between Google search traffic and usage of the Discovery of Insulin collection based on the keywords “insulin discovery.” Collection usage began to increasingly reflect search traffic as external links (July 2018) and detailed citations (December 2018) were added. While there are multiple paths in a user’s journey from search results to a UTL digital collection involving any number of Wikipedia articles and non-Wikipedia sites, this correlation speaks to the bidirectional impact of the WIR’s contributions to in-Wikipedia collections discovery as well as increased library website visibility gained through the numerous inbound links generated by this work. It would be difficult to be more discoverable at any given moment than the levels of interest at that time as indicated by Google Trends, insofar as the average web user relies on search engines to find resources, and insofar as Google dominates the search engine market at 92.16 percent worldwide in November 2020 (Search Engine Market Share Worldwide | StatCounter Global Stats, n.d.).

Figure 1 Changing correlation between Google search traffic and usage of the Discovery and Early Development of Insulin Collection by week, normalized to a range of [0, 100].
The Open Technology Specialist
Based on the demonstrated potential of the part-time WIR position, UTL established a full-time pilot of the OTS in December 2019 at the direction of the chief librarian. The full-time OTS role would build on the work of the WIR with a more comprehensive scope of activities and