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Page:Wikipedia and Academic Libraries.djvu/285

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Porto Ferreira Alves, Burley, and Peschanski

Wikidata Query Service at https://tinyurl.com/articles-by-journal-qid. In order to replicate the dashboard for a different journal using the query from the Anais do Museu Paulista, change the journal QID at row 39 of the query.

The zotkat tool does not import the “journal of publication” statement to Wikidata. e items created, therefore, do not initially have this declaration on Wikidata. In order to monitor them, build a query using their associated unique identifiers. An example query for a subset of Anais do Museu Paulista articles is available at https://tinyurl.com/articles-by-identifiers. To replicate the process for a different set of articles, substitute their identifiers at row 42 of the query.

Step 8: Add the “Journal of Publication” Statement using PetScan
To add the “journal of publication” statement to the items created, use PetScan (https://petscan.wmflabs.org), a tool that lists items based on a query code and can add statements to them in Wikidata. To do this:

  • Add the identifiers of the articles created at line 42 of the query at https://tinyurl.com/articles-by-identifiers,
  • Copy the query code and paste it into the SPARQL field at the “Other Sources” tab in PetScan (see the top half of figure 7),
  • Click “Do it!” and wait until the results show up,
  • At the beginning of the results list (see the bottom half of figure 7), include the journal of publication statement that needs large-scale editing at the top right corner. An example for including the journal of publication for scholarly articles of Anais do Museu Paulista is P1433 (property for “published in”) and Q50426299 (item for “Anais do Museu Paulista”), and
  • Click “Start QS” to open a Quick Statements window with the commands and follow the instructions as indicated before in step 6.