Page:Wikipedia and Academic Libraries.djvu/341

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  • FESABID. See Spanish Federation of Societies of Archivist, Librarians, Documentalist, and Museology (FESABID)
  • fireplaces, building
    • documentation, 187–89, 188
    • feedback, 189–91
    • MVP approach, 186–87
  • First Satellite Launch in Kyrgyzstan project, 13
  • Floyd, George, 92
  • Fondation Lionel Groulx, 107
  • Foster, Kelly, 284
  • Framowitz, Daniel Tsvi, 179
  • Francophone Wikipedia, liaison contribution to Québécois LGBTQ+ content in, 106–17, 108, 110
  • FRBR. See Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)
  • Freire, Paulo, 26, 28
  • Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), 288
  • “Fun with Learning Chinese Language through Literary Walk Project (Fun Project)”, 248–54
  • Fun Writing Literary Footprints Project (2019–2021), 258
  • G
  • Galvan, Angela, 93
  • Gates, Henry, Jr., 96, 99
  • gender
    • bias, 11, 73–74
    • imbalance, 10, 11
    • inequality, 12, 72–74
    • justice, 10, 11
  • Gender, Sex, and Sexuality: A Global Perspective, 64, 65, 67–68, 80
  • GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums), 21–22, 178, 219, 220, 223, 226, 261, 263
  • Google Books, 289, 295
  • Google Search, 128, 235, 236, 236, 289
  • Grupo de Usuarios Wiki Movimento Brasil (Wiki Movement Brazil User Group), 263
  • H
  • Hall, Tracie D., 93
  • Hart, Heather, 97
  • Hathcock, April, 93
  • Heilman, James, 147, 148
  • higher education, Wikipedia in, 49, 65
    • editing, 66
  • Highton, Melissa, 199
  • Hinojo Sánchez, Àlex, 164
  • Historical Book Review, 39–40, 43
  • Hong Kong Literary Landscape MediaWiki, 247–58, 254, 255
    • collaborative learning platform for, 257
    • features of, 254–56
  • Hong Kong Literature Research Centre (HKLRC) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 247–49
    • “Fun with Learning Chinese Language through Literary Walk Project (Fun Project)”, 248–54
  • Honma, Todd, 93
  • Honours+ program, 37
  • hooks, bell, 28