Right Wing Treachery Towards Sacco and Vanzetti.
ON the heels of the drive against the left wing in the unions comes the following statement sent out by the press service of the "Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee." It is addressed: To Whom It May Concern:
The defense committee is constantly questioned as to the relationship existing between the Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee with the International Labor Defense, the Communist Party, and the so-called Sacco-Vanzetti conferences, because of their propaganda and collection of funds made in the name of Sacco and Vanzetti.
This committee specifically states that the Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee has no official relationship with the International Labor Defense, the Communist Party, or the Sacco-Vanzetti conferences, which we understand were organized thru the International Labor Defense.
We wish further to state that the defense committee has repeatedly urged them, since the International Labor Defense began to raise funds in the name of Sacco and Vanzetti, to send accounts of their activities and also accounts of the various Sacco-Vanzetti conferences. To date we received no satisfactory replies to our many letters regarding the purpose of the aforementioned organizations, or an accurate account of funds received and disbursed by them. We have been given to understand by the International Labor Defense that there are a number of Sacco-Vanzetti conferences thruout the country from which We have never received any report. This was the reason why the committee has repeatedly advised friends of the Sacco-Vanzetti case to communicate directly with this office. Fraternally yours,
It is not hard to guess the source of the inspiration for this ambiguous and incorrect statement, which, neverless, deals a blow at the nation-wide movement for liberation of Sacco and Vanzetti and at the proposed national conference.
But we do not have to confine ourselves to a guess. The New York Times has already published as a news story the correspondence between the Sacco-Vanzetti committee and the reactionary "Committee for Preservation of the Trades Unions."
It may be stated here that the International Labor Defense is under no obligation to account to the "Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee" for any funds it may raise, but that its receipts and disbursements and duly audited financial statements are published monthly in its official organ, The Labor Defender.
It can be stated further that the International Labor Defense has forwarded sums as large as $1,000 at a time to the "Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee," and has published photographs of the checks.
As in the cloakmakers' strike and the Passaic strike, the reactionary elements in and out of the labor movement have been willing to sacrifice the victory of the workers, to send Sacco and Vanzetti to the electric chair by sabotaging their chief support in order to do something they think will damage the left wing.
Undoubtedly these elements have