Page:William John Sparrow-Simpson - Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility (1909).djvu/392

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Darboy, Archbishop, 157 and sqq., 187, 265 and sqq., 271, 292 and sqq.

Daru, Count, 249, 250

Dechamps, Archbishop, 165

Defence of the Declaration, 93, 94

Delahogue, 107

Development, theory of, 287; development and immutability of the Faith, 24 and sqq., 205

Dieringer, 191

Döllinger, 8, 188 and sqq., 209, 210, 232 and sqq., 316 and sqq.

Dupanloup, Bishop, 154 and sqq., 162 and sqq., 169 and sqq., 271, 272, 295

Ecumenical Councils, De Maistre's depreciation of, 148 and sqq.

Ecumenicity, test of, 348 and sqq.

Episcopate, 15, 28, 29, 31, 50, 64, 66, 173, 244, 346 and sqq.; Bossuet on, 87, 95

Errington, Bishop, 104, 105

Eugenius IV., alluded to by Bossuet, 91

Faith, nature of, 4

Faith of Catholics, the, 106

Fénelon, theory on temporal and spiritual power, 49

Fessler, 277 and sqq., 289, 357 and sqq., 362, 365

Flavian, Leo's letter to, 28, 29

Florence, Council of, 83

Franzelin., 25

Friedrich, 210 and sqq., 318, 321

Galileo, 180, 359

Gallicanism, 134, 146, 157

Gallitzin, 110

Gasquet, Abbot, 117

Gelasius, 21, 22

German Protestants, attitude of, 221

Gerson, Chancellor, 58, 73

Gosselin, 49, 50

Gratry, 8, 13, 19, 20, 54, 177, 179, 296 and sqq.

Gregory VII., 49

—— XII., 57 and sqq.

Gregory the Great v. Papal Infallibility, 353

Guibert, Archbishop, 251 and sqq., 295

Gladstone, 101

Hadrian VI., 65, 73

Hasenclever, 314 and sqq.

Haynald, Archbishop, 273

Hefele, Bishop, 26, 37, 43 and sqq., 191, 202, 241, 271, 277, 307 and sqq.

Hohenlohe, Cardinal, 208 and sqq., 303

—— Prince, 207 and sqq., 305 and sqq.

Honorius, 22, 32, 33, 35 and sqq., 39 and sqq., 46, 134, 168, 360; De Maistre on, 150; Gratry on, 179

Hurter, 346 and sqq.

Husenbeth, 101

Immaculate Conception, 229, 248, 255

Implicit and explicit truth, 25

Infallibility, not conferred on St Peter, 7, 8; Infallibility and authority, 9, 15, 17; Infallibility of the Church, 77, 94, 110, 111, 115, 168 and sqq., 343. See Authority

——, Papal, 21, 42; works out as Infallibility of the Church, 77, 94; officially denied in Lyons and Rouen, 97; by English Roman Catholics of eighteenth century, 100; by Faith of Catholics, 106; nature of Infallibility, 340 and sqq., conditions of its exercise, 357 and sqq., cf. 11; parallel drawn between dogma of Christ's Divinity and that of Infallibility, 113 and sqq; doctrine of intention, 360, 361

——, Carson's list of Infallible utterances, 364

——, Choupin's list, 363

——, Franzelin's list, 363

—— and the Council of Trent, 70; the question not mentioned at beginning of the Vatican Council, 232, 238