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Page:William Osler, the man.djvu/19

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Galen—there are 5 Venice editions of that firm! By the way the Pitti picture of Vesal is very fine—I am looking for a photo—the beard is tinged with grey. . . .

Re Alcmeon, see Gomperz Greek Thinkers—he was the earliest and greatest of the Magna Graeca anatomists. We go from here to Bologna, Padua, Venice, &c. I have a set of Votives for the Faculty—terra-cotta arms, legs, breasts, yards, eyes, ears, fingers — which the votaries hung in the AEsculapian temples in gratitude to the God —the modern R. C. ones are wretched (tin) imitations.

I am in a state of acute mental indigestion from plethora—it is really bewildering—so much to see and to do.


Thus far on the trip. Glorious place—glorious weather. I wish you were mil. I dreamt of you last night—operating on Hughlings Jackson. The great principle you said in cerebral surgery was to create a commotion by which the association paths were restored. You took off the scalp—like a p. m. incision—made a big hole over the cerebellum and put in a Christ Church—whipped cream —wooden instrument and rotated it rapidly. Then put back the bone and sewed him up. You said he would never have a fit again. I said solemnly, I am not surprised. H-J. seemed very comfortable after the operation and bought 3 oranges from a small Neapolitan who strolled into the Queen-Square amphitheatre! I have been studying my dreams lately and have come to the conclusion that just one-third of my time is spent in an asylum—or should be!

Two years later, in 1911 , he made a winter's trip to Egypt and as usual was enthusiastic about all he saw and did. Here is a somewhat longer letter.