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Page:William Petty - Economic Writings (1899) vol 1.djvu/238

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The Political Anatomy

Mem. That Protestants in Connaught purchased
of the Transplantees per estimate. M.
60 [1]
Wherefore of the whole 7500 M. of good Land,
the English, and Protestants and Church have this
Christmas 1672.
5,140 [2]
And the Irish have near ½ as much, viz. 2,280 [3]

7,500 [4]|4|
Remains in the Common-Stock[5], near 80

    give Ormond 30,000 acres more than the text allows him, and introduce an item of 180,000 acres which cannot be identified with anything preceding. On the other hand they do not include 1,200,000 acres to the Innocents nor 40,000 to Lord Inchiquin, Lord Roscommon, and others. A grouping in accordance with Petty's probable meaning would be :

    Papists recovered. Protestants recovered. Indifferent.
    40 to the 26 20 to the Church 130 to Ormond
    1200 to the Innocents 390 to the adventurers 40 to Inchiquin
    60 to letterees 1440 to the '49 soldiers 120 to the Duke of York
    360 per proviso 280 to the '49 officers 80 in the common stock
    700 transplantation decrees 270 per proviso 100 to mortgagees

    2360 2400 470

    or in all 5,230,000 acres.

  1. 1719, '80,000.'
  2. The 5,140,000 acres are found by adding to the 2,300,000 acres held by the Church and the transplanted protestants in 1641 (see p. 136), the 2,400,000 acres of the "Protestants and Churches additions," the 60,000 acres purchased by protestants in Connaught and the 380,000 acres "Of a more indifferent Nature" remaining after the deduction of the 80,000 acres in the common stock from the total of 460,000 acres.
  3. The 2,280,000 acres are found by subtracting the transplantees' sales of 60,000 acres from the 2,340,000 acres which the Papists recovered.
  4. In S the total '7500' is written beneath the '80,' as it obviously should be.
  5. Cox, 'What or where are ye 80000a left in ye Common Stock and how comes it they are undisposed, many adventurers being deficient & many designd to be restord are still excluded for want of Previous reprizal.'