Page:William Tell Told Again.djvu/170

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The soldiers advanced slowly, for they were loath to bind the man who had just saved them from destruction. But the Governor’s orders must be obeyed, so they came towards Tell, carrying ropes with which to bind him.

Tell moved a step back. The ship was gliding past a lofty rock. It was such a rock as Tell had often climbed when hunting the chamois. He acted with the quickness of the hunter. Snatching up the bow and quiver which lay on the deck, he sprang on to the bulwark of the vessel, and, with a mighty leap, gained the rock. Another instant, and he was out of reach.

Gessler roared to his bowmen.

“Shoot! shoot!" he cried.

The bowmen hastily fitted arrow to string.

They were too late. Tell was ready before them. There was a hiss as the shaft rushed through the air, and the next moment Gessler