Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 1, 1802).djvu/238

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and may be employed with advantage in languid habits, and such constitutions, in general, as evince neither a rigid fibre nor a disposition to plethora. Even Hippocrates prescribed it in hysteric cases; and Galen informs us, that Archigenes had written a treatise on the subject. This gelatinous and oily concrete is taken in doses from five to twenty grains, with sugar; or its virtues may be extracted by water, as well as spirit of wine, which latter forms a stronger preparation, but more heating than solid castor itself.

In commerce, a distinction is made between fresh, dry, and fat beaver-skins: the first of these are obtained from animals caught in winter; the second sort from those killed during summer, the hair of which only is used in the manufacture of hats; and the third, or fat sort, are such as have been carried for some time on the naked bodies of the American Indians, who, as it were, tan the skin with perspirable matter. These furs are most valuable, while the hair of the others is manufactured into gloves, stockings, 8cc. but that which is short and silky, is used for hats. Each beaver, when full grown, is as large as a middle sized dog, and yields about twenty-four ounces of fine hair. The skin serves for covering saddles, trunks, and other articles.

All those advantages, however, are not equivalent to the damage done by the beaver to forests and sluices: and as they yearly become more scarce in America, while the price of their skin and hair advances, it is doubtful whether they ought to be spared, or exterminated.

2. The moschatus, or water-rat, of Clusius, is found in Lapland and Russia, on the banks of the Volga and Yaik: it is devoured by pikes and other fish, to which it imparts so strong a flavour of musk, as to render them unfit for the table. Its scent much resembles that of the former species, especially about the tail, from which the cunning Russians express a juice very similar to the genuine musk. Hence, most of the castor sold in the London shops, consists of this inferior sort, or at least is much adulterated with it, so feat the druggists themselves are frequently deceived.

3. The zibethicus, or musk-rat of North America, the fur of which is much esteemed for its softness and beauty. It is remarkable that, during summer, this animal has a most exquisite smell of musk, which it entirely loses in winter. Probably this agreeable perfume is derived from the Calamus aromaticus, or sweet water flag, which is the favourite food of the musk-rat.—See Artificial Musk.

BED, a convenience for ease, or sleep. It was the general practice in the first ages, for mankind to sleep upon the skins of beasts; and the Ancient Britons, before the first Roman invasion, slept on skins spread on the floors of their apartments. Rushes and heath were afterwards substituted by the Britons, instead of skins; but they reposed upon straw, on the introduction of agriculture by the Romans.

Straw was used as a couch, even in the royal chambers of England, at the close of the thirteenth century; and in the present age, the day-labourers in some parts of England, and the peasantry of Scotland, sleep on chaff-beds.
