Page:Willie was a wanton wag.pdf/2

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Willie was a wanton wag,
The blythest lad that e'er I saw,
At bridals still he bore the brag,
And carried ay the gree awa.
His doublet was of Zetland shag,
And wow! but Willie he was blaw,
And at his shouther hang a tag,
That pleas'd the lasses best of a'.

He was a man without a clag,
His heart was frank without a flaw;
And ay whatever Willie said,
It still was hadden as a law.
His boots they were made of the jag.
When the went to the Weaponshaw,
Upon the green nave durst him brag,
The fight a ane amang them a'.

And wasna Willie weel worth gowd?
He wan the love of great and sma';
For after he the bride had kiss'd,
He kiss'd the lasses hale sale a'.
Sae merrily round the ring they row'd,