Page:Willow tree.pdf/4

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As she lay,
On that day,
In the bay of Biscay O.

Her yielding timbers sever,
Her pitchy seams are rent;
When Heav'n, all bounteous ever,
Its boundless mercy sent!
A sail in sight appears,
We hail her with three cheers!
Now we sail,
With the gale,
From the bay of Biscay O.


Wha the deil hae we got for a King,
But a wee, wee German lairdie!
An' whan we gade to bring him hame
He was delving his kail-yardie.
Sheughing kail an' laying leeks,
But the hose and but the brecks,
Up his beggar duds he cleeks,
The wee wee German lairdie.

An' he's clapt down in our gudeman's chair,
The wee wee German lairdie,
An' he's brought fouth o' foreign leeks,
And dibblet them in his yardie.