Page:Willy Rilly, or, The constant lovers.pdf/4

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If I cant get satisfaction,
I will leave my native land.

Up spoke the lady fair
with the salt tear in her eye,
The fault is none of Billy’s,
the fault lies all on me,
I forc’d him for to leave this place,
and go along with me,
I loved him out of measure,
which proved my destiny.

Up spoke noble folks
at the table he stood by,
Gentlemen of the jury,
look on extremity,
To hang a man for love
it’s a murder you may see,
O spare the life of Billy
let him leave this country.

But my good lord he stole from her,
her jewels and fine things,
Gold watch and silver buckles
with many other things,
Which cost me bright guineas
more than five hundred pounds,
I will have the life of Billy
should it cost ten thousand pounds.

It’s my good Lord I gave him them,
as a token of true-love.
And when we are a parting,

we will have them all removed,