List of Works
Electrical Science
Published and for sale by
D. Van Nostrand Company
23 Murray & 27 Warren Streets
New York
Abbott, A. V. The Electrical Transmission of Energy. A Manual for the Design of Electrical Circuits. Fifth edition, entirely rewritten and enlarged. Fully illustrated 8vo, cloth $5.00
Allsop, F. C. Practical Electric Light Fitting. 289 pp. Illustrated. 12mo., cloth net, $1.50
Anderson, GEO. L., A. M. (Captain of U. S. Artillery.) Hand-book for the use of Electricians in the operation and care of Electrical Machinery and Apparatus of the United States Sea-coast Defenses. Prepared under the direction of the Lieutenant-General Commanding the Army. With tables, diagrams and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Second edition $3.00
Arnold, E. Armature Windings of Direct-Current Dynamos. Extension and Application of a General Winding Rule. Translation from the original German by Francis B. DeGross, M. E. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth $2.00
Ashe, S. W. and Keiley, J. D. Electric Railways Theoretically and Practically Treated: Rolling Stock. With numerous figures, diagrams and folding plates. Second edition, revised. 12mo. cloth. Illustrated. 285 pp. net, $2.50
net, $2.50
Vol. II Sub-stations and the Distributing System. 12mo. cloth. 296 pages. IllustratedAtkinson, Prof. A. A. Electrical and Magnetic Calculations. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Second edition, revised $1.50
Phillip. The Elements of Dynamic Electricity and Magnetism. 12mo. cloth. Fourth edition. $2.00